Friday, November 12, 2010

Clarysta Gets Hacked

Hacked off AND hacked.

"Hacked off," "Fed up," "P.O.'d," absolutely done, do not go there with me, it is soooo 2010 and been, with Turbine's site. So I've moved. Here on Posterous, and Blogger and Facebook.


My LotRO account was compromised this week, apparently by a "3rd party interceptor." Turbine immediately responded to my yell for help by shutting down my account, but it was too late.

My money (all 6 copper worth that they left - 1 copper on each toon) is on a Xfire hack. I installed Xfire just 2 days before this happened, and ironically, I had uninstalled it that very day.

I am so happy that they did NOT delete my toons (4 at level cap!) nor did they take my raid gear and jewelry.


and this is the hard part...


/stares mournfully at her empty legendary slots

For once, my all bags are empty.


  1. This has been happening more and more lately. Two friends who had this kind of devastation happen to them got really good results by calling Turbine. In both cases gold and some items were returned to them. Any special items from festivals or rare drops were not given back, but most were. I don't know if they can reset your character's traits, etc. but it's worth a try.

    So sorry this happened to you,
    Gaiagil of Elendilmir

  2. The toons thankfully were left intact. The hackers sold off anything they could out of bags and vaults, traded in skirmish marks and barter items to get the gold. For some bizarre reason, they deconned the LIs that were not equipped.

    Turbine responded immediately when I called. After filing tickets on each toon, two days later I received gold as compensation. No items could be restored.

    My Erebrandir's Horseshoe was vendored too
    :-( Now I KNOW it will turn out to be really worthwhile.
